【同义词辨析】 2018-12-07 收回abjure-retract

abjure: implies a firm and final rejecting or abandoning under oath: candidates for citizenship must ~ allegiance to any foreign power.   reject断然拒绝peremptory refusal,如he rejected the clothes拒收衣服)abandon完全抛弃

renounce: often equals abjure but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown: willing to ~ his lifelong friends.  disclaim否认有责任或所有权to deny responsibility or ownership,如the school disclaimed any responsibility for his death学校否认对他的死亡有责任;disown否认和自己有联系to deny connection,如you couldn’t be so heartless as to disown him你不能那么狠心,连认都不认他)

forswear: may add to abjure an implication of perjury or betrayal: cannot ~ my principles to win votes.     perjury伪证to tell untruth in court,如two key witnesses committed perjury at her trial她的庭审中两名关键证人犯了伪证罪

recant: stresses the withdrawing or denying of something professed or taught: the suspect ~ed his confession and professed his innocence. profess公开宣称to claim openly,I don't profess to be an expert我不敢妄称自己是个专家,又如本例professed his innocence宣称自己无罪) withdraw收回、撤退 confess认罪认错,词根fess表示speak,declare说

retract: applies to the withdrawing of a promise, an offer, or an accusation: under threat of lawsuit, the paper ~ed the statement.

abjure宣誓放弃: 宣誓拒绝或抛弃,renounce放弃: 不再声称自己拥有或关联,forswear背叛: 增加了虚假背叛的意思,recant收回: 收回宣称或教授的,retract收回: 收回指责或承诺

记忆方法: 1)首字母ARFRR中AF想成安抚RRR想成3个人众人,即安抚众人<==收回指责

        2收回的意思是收回说的话或观点mean to withdraw one's word or professed belief.